Cycling is a sport that demands not only physical strength but also mental resilience to withstand the rigors of long rides, steep climbs, and challenging terrain. Central to achieving success in cycling is the ability to resist fatigue throughout the duration of a ride or race. The saying “it’s […]
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We have previously discussed the ins and outs of training with a powermeter and briefly touched on the analysis of training data in. In this post we will discuss how a powermeter can ensure that your training is actually paying dividends. Training is defined as the act of performing a […]
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Strength & Conditioning (S&C) is an important training tool that helps develop the bio-motor skills that underpin cycling performance – and in recent years, S&C has slowly but surely started to get more popular with cyclists of all ages and abilities looking to include it alongside their endurance training. Which […]
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While some athletes relish in this time off the bike – others can feel anxious about the absence of training. The truth is that the off season provides an opportunity to use the active rest and recuperation constructively, for the season ahead.
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A look at some of the key training sessions that we prescribe during the different phases of training to reach your performance goals.
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South Africans are well-known to embrace off road cycle events, which up until recently has been limited to mountain bike. As the global trend of gravel racing has increased in past months, of course, gravel events, interest and participation has grown, locally. The vision of the Lifestyle Grand Prix Series: […]
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Altitude training and exposure is becoming ever more important in today’s times of training application as it has significant benefits which include a reduction in lactate build up, increase in aerobic capacity or V02Max, increase in the muscle protein myoglobin.
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A concussion refers to a form of traumatic brain injury that causes a disturbance of the brain’s normal functioning but that does not result in any structural change to the brain. This disturbance of mental functioning can result in a broad spectrum of symptoms and signs such as headache, dizziness, […]
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At Science to Sport we work with a broad and growing range of female athletes. We know and understand that it might feel intimidating to sign up for coaching services, so we chatted to a few of our women athletes who shared with us – what made them sign up for a coach and their advice to other female athletes.
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As a data-rich sport, cycling is filled with riders discussing VO2Max, peak power output (PPO), and functional threshold power (FTP). These terms are associated with performance in cycling, but how valuable are they and how can we accurately measure these numbers?
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